
Design System


Adagio is a term for musical tempo between 66-72 Bpm which is also the average human heart rate. To play in this tempo means to play with grace and great expression.


Accenture has hundreds if not thousands of websites internally to help 500,000 employees with varied skillsets from all over the world. These websites have very little consistency between them.

As a result users are not able to perform as well as they could if they didn’t have to adopt entirely new mental models for navigation and interaction. The designs were becoming hinderances in performance. From this a need for a design system was born.

Before Adagio, precursors to design systems lived in the form of UI kits that did not evolve or guide the users with usage and patterns.

Priority and Balance

It was a delicate balance to work on the product and design system at the same time and I was often presented with priority dilemmas.


We began creating Adagio in tandem with the workbench and worked closely with the dev team which chose react to build the website. This would provide an overall responsive feel to the interface.


Inconsistent experiences across sites

The leadership saw value in making flexible but familiar interactions across the board.

For this, we needed a robust set of values patterns and extensive UI elements that evolves in tandem with the product(s)


A key challenge was to answer

Why do we need a systematic and expansive set of guidelines and components?

This only sounds like a rhetorical question to stakeholders in retrospect

1.It is highly scalable

Emphasising the scalability and applicability of design systems once built to a certain level of detail resonated with the stakeholders. The fact that this could be used as the basis of any new product that would be built in the future is one of the core reason that the stakeholders agreed.

2. The design/development turnaround times will reduce by a considerable margin

As design systems are built for this very purpose. I marched forward with the argument that having all the components laid out would help design less and fewer elements each time a new feature requirement came along.

3. It will cater to the real-time needs of a product if built in tandem.

As the project (Plays) progressed the design system faced real needs of elements to be designed and not synthetically needed because other systems had N number of elements.


Design system

UI Patterns

I extrapolated UI patterns from the design principle decisions made at the start of the project “Play Workbench”


Progressive Disclosure

Refrain from creating interactions that disorient the user from the initial point of focus. This also helps the user grasp information given to them in smaller more consumable pieces

Admin view.png
STage progress info-min.png

Empty States

Use empty states to indicate system status when there is no content to be displayed. It could be because of several reasons like unsupported browsers, unexpected errors, no match for what’s searched. The objective is to disclose system status.

States when there is a lack of support

States when there is a lack of support

Situations where no results are found

Situations where no results are found


When welcoming a first time user onto the tool, context-setting is important to disclose objectives

Set the context

Set the context

Option to opt out

Option to opt out




Keeping black and white usage to a bare minimum

For users spending a large amount of time on interfaces for highly critical. Extremely high contrast is fatiguing. Hence, I chose shades lighter to black and darker than white for the layout and text.

Easy transitions to Dark mode

Colour mappings are set in both the design library and the codebase to facilitate a swift and easy transition between light and dark mode with little design and dev effort for current and future releases


UI Components


 Rounded, but why?

We Imbibed ideology from the 2020 company-wide brand refresh which encourages change and human-centred bold moves. Currently, most business-focused websites have sharp edges and angular designs. We took the bold step of 16pt rounded edges to make the user feel that their ideas are safe with us and that they can trust the product with their invaluable ideas.

Constantly Iterating

All components stand the test of new features and functions. As soon as something breaks it is iterated upon to bring about improvements.

Built with purpose.

Each component is built out of a need which arises from a feature or page that needs to be created.



Problem: Button Sizing

This need came about when “edit” states were built for the Live embeds.

Problem-min (2).png

Solution: Setting width constraints

I redefined button widths based on optimal target area sizes with Fitts’ law in view.

Solution-min (1).png
Constraints are set for consistency at all scales

Constraints are set for consistency at all scales


A Sans serif font that is a key to the identity of the firm

A Sans serif font that is a key to the identity of the firm


The business model canvas challenged the type guidelines

I created a separate set of guidelines to accommodate the elements of the canvas to be able to consolidate all the information funnelling into the canvas form.

Maximizing legibility

The font sizes had to be dropped but I made sure that the type size never dropped under 12pts which would compromise legibility on screens with low resolution

Emphasising Metrics

Canvas is the business model on one page. The numbers are the most important part and for them to be available at a glance is of priority to investors trying to understand the sales/growth forecasts made. Hence extra emphasis was added to all metrics


Expressive Typography


The grids were constructed in cohesion with the development team who advised a grid structure which would provide maximum responsiveness on computer screens. This product is primarily built for computers since all work this critical is seldom taken to mobile devices.

Usage Principles


Avoid Overstimulation

Use elements with visual discretion

Avoid overstimulation-min.png

Why do we need these?

I found internally, even within a team of 3 that some patterns and visuals were being created which did not comply with our guiding principles and hence decided to start building a repository for future users of the system

How do I standardise the output?

Daily audits put in place to verify and correct any non-compliance to the principles.


Setting usage principles automatically took lower priority as features are being constructed and rolled out in agile sprints.


This section is expected to grow with the growth in use cases and adoption of the system

Impact and learnings



Project onboarding time has reduced from about 2 weeks to about 1.


With a system in place, there is significantly reduced effort towards explaining what kind of designs we need. The new members approach me with any doubts they might have and then most clarification is done through walkthroughs and how the design system is connected to the product


I learnt to push to prioritise working on the systematic creation of components before building shippable screens

I learnt to stand my ground that building the design system would require time being logged as tasks in the sprint. In times before the MVP had to be shipped it was a difficult task to ask for time and effort to be logged for the design system.


Adagio is the test bench for bringing the new brand guidelines to implementation

Glassmorphic Illustration

I learned from the effectiveness of the system that it is imperative to build for needs first. Because I work on a product in tandem with the design system elements/components always stand the test of real problems.

More Projects

Play Workbench

End-to-end customer journey design to simplify venture funding for consultants


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